if $h_X-Spam-Action: contains "quarantined" then ifdef(`confSPAMASSASSIN_QUARANTINE_DIR_LEARN', ` if $h_X-Spam-Report: contains "BAYES_99" or $h_X-Spam-Status: contains "autolearn=spam" or $h_X-Spam-Report: contains "FUZZY_OCR" then logwrite "$tod_log $message_id saved because of certainly spam detected; original recipients: $recipients" seen save confSPAMASSASSIN_QUARANTINE_DIR 640 else logwrite "$tod_log $message_id saved for learning because of certainly spam detected; original recipients: $recipients" seen save confSPAMASSASSIN_QUARANTINE_DIR_LEARN 640 endif ', ` logwrite "$tod_log $message_id saved because of certainly spam detected; original recipients: $recipients" seen save confSPAMASSASSIN_QUARANTINE_DIR 640 ') seen finish endif