# перенаправление спама #if # not $h_X-Spam-Action: contains "quarantined" # and $acl_m_quarantined is "" #then # # if # $h_X-Spam-Flag: is "YES" or # $h_X-SpamTest-Status: is "SPAM" or # $h_X-Rspamd-Status: is "Spam" or # $h_X-Rspamd-Status: is "Probably spam" # then # # headers add "X-Spam-Action: labeled\n\ # \texim-conf version=confPAROVOZ_VERSION\n\ # ifelse(confGREYLIST, `OPTIONAL', `\ttotal greylist scores=${extract{scores}{$acl_m_optional_greylist}}/confGREYLIST_BLOCKED_OPTIONAL\n')\ # ifdef(`confOPTIONAL_REJECT', `ifelse(confOPTIONAL_REJECT, `NO', `', `\ttotal reject scores=${extract{scores}{$acl_m_optional_reject}}/confOPTIONAL_REJECT_SCORES\n')')\ # $acl_m_spam_action" # # logwrite "$tod_log $message_exim_id saved because of probably spam detected; original recipients: $recipients" # unseen save /var/vmail/localhost/admin/.spam.probably-spam/ 640 # endif # # if $h_X-Spam-Report: contains "BAYES_99" then # logwrite "$tod_log $message_exim_id saved because of probably spam with bayes99 to $recipients" # unseen save /var/vmail/localhost/admin/.spam.bayes99/ 640 # endif # #endif #if $h_X-Spam-Status: contains "autolearn=ham" then # unseen save /var/vmail/localhost/admin/.spam.bayes_autolearn_ham/ 640 #else # if $h_X-Spam-Status: contains "autolearn=spam" then # unseen save /var/vmail/localhost/admin/.spam.bayes_autolearn_spam/ 640 # else # if # $h_X-Spam-Report: is not "" and # not $h_X-Spam-Report: contains "BAYES" and # not $h_X-Spam-Report: contains "USER_IN_WHITELIST" # then # logwrite "$tod_log $message_exim_id saved because of no bayes scores" # unseen save /var/vmail/localhost/admin/.spam.bayes_unknown/ 640 # endif # endif #endif